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Tying With Brushes: Tying Po Boy, Salmon, and Popper Fly Fishing Flies with a Brush

Brushes can greatly simplify flies that call for compound loops.

by Chris NAugust 16, 2023 in Fly Tying Videos

Brushes can greatly simplify flies that call for compound loops. While brushes can be expensive, you can make them relatively easily at home. We are posting a series of videos that show how brushes can be used for saltwater fly fishing flies, warm water fly fishing flies, and fly fishing flies for salmon and steelhead.

Po Boy Fly Fishing Fly

Here’s an example of how we use a brush to tie a dynamite – and already simple – Redfish fly:

Salmon Fishing Fly with a Brush

Here’s an example of how we use a brush to tie a fly for salmon in irresistible colors:

Bass Popper Fly Fish Fly Tied With a Brush

Here’s an example of how we use a brush for poppers:

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