Tying the Spawning Shrimp Fishing Fly
Don't leave home without this shrimp
by DiscountFlies • January 07, 2024 in Fly Tying Videos
There are a lot of good saltwater anglers that don’t leave home without Peterson's Spawning Shrimp in numerous configurations – various sizes, Beadchain eyes, dumbbell eyes, eye colors. This fly is not as simple as a Crazy Charlie or Christmas Island Special. Better said, this fly uses more materials. Digested by layers, however, this fly is quite approachable. We remind ourselves when tying this fly: "Slow down, enjoy the process!"
A few tying notes:
- We find that using 70D thread, which is relatively thin for a saltwater fly, helps reduce bulk given the numerous layers of material.
- Shrimp eyes – we like to make these and find that making them in batches produces the best result.
- Wing – the original recipe calls for tan rabbit cut from a zonker strip. We substitute fox for a couple reasons: fox moves well in the water, fox is a bit sparser, and tan rabbit has been difficult to find.
The Recipe:
- Hook: Gama SL113H, sizes 4-8, https://www.discountflies.com/...
- Eyes: Beadchain or Weighted Eyes
- Thread: UTC 70D, Shell or Shrimp Pink
- Egg Sack: Cascade Crest Faux Fox Fibers, Fluoro Orange. https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-CCFFF.html. Alternatives include Egg Yarn or Raven and Wolf Baitfish Fibers in Deep Orange, https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-RWEPF.html
- Tail: Craft Fur, Tan (https://www.discountflies.com/SRCH.html?Search=craft+fur
- Antennae: Cascade Crest Midge Rainbow Flash, Pearl or Black, https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-CCMRF.html
- Legs: Cascade Crest Silly Juicy Legs, Diamond Pearl or Root Beer, https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-CCSJL.html
- Shrimp Eyes: Buy ‘em or make ‘em. See video for how we make them. Here is the paint we use: https://www.amazon.com/Glow-Acrylic-Fluorescent-Paint-Canvas/dp/B0BX9HYNL4/ref=asc_df_B0BX9HYNL4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=652399698684&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12328614200013272128&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028740&hvtargid=pla-2216164856564&psc=1&mcid=6105cc36a4b53dcabab92be085e316a9
- Body: SEMPERFLI SemperFlash Small (1/69th) Mirror Flash (https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-SSFMS.html). Alternatives include Cascade Crest Flat Mylar Pearl Tinsel, M or L (https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-CCMYPT.html) or SEMPERFLI Flat Braid 1/16th (1.5mm), https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-SFBR.html
- Wing: Raven and Wolf Arctic Fox Medallions, Shrimp Pearl (https://www.discountflies.com/...) or Cascade Crest Fox Tan (https://www.discountflies.com/...)
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