Hendrickson Mayfly Hatch (Ephemerella subvaria).
by Chris Nielsen (Admin) Admin • March 23, 2019 in Fly Hatches
The Hendrickson Mayfly Hatch, (Ephemerella subvaria) also known as the Dark Hendrickson, Red Quill, Lady Beaverkill or Borcher Drake Hatch is an East and Midwest hatch that begins in Early April and extends through early June, lasting 2-3 weeks on a given river. Their color varies as a function of the food they eat, and the sex of the insect, where the males are generally darker than the females.
Hendrickson Nymph: are not good swimmers, so a deep, dead drifted Hare’s ear can be effective. Males are brown/olive, where females are brown/tan.
A Few good imitations for Hendrickson Nymphs: See All Hendrickson Nymphs
Hendrickson Emerger: Hendricksons swim up, break the surface film of the water and break out of their exoskeleton. This helpless emerger is often the prime target of feeding trout. Watch for gentle rises at the surface, and imitate this with a cripple or floating nymph.
A Few good imitations for Hendrickson Emergers: See All Mayfly Emergers
Hendrickson Dun: The Dun drifts down the river while drying off its wings, then takes flight. Trout also target this phase of the insect hatch. Males have darker colored bodies, and are distinct enough from the lighter females, that carrying multiple colors of duns is important when trout become super selective.
A Few Good Hendrickson Duns: See All Hendrickson Duns
Hendrickson Spinner: More often, male spinners return to the water first, with females returning later. Trout often eat male spinners, but switch over later on to female spinners.
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