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Tying the Double Chubby Chernobyl Fishing Fly with Two Layer Foam and Chubb Dub

Chubby Chernobyl is one of today’s most popular flies. The newest iteration, the DOUBLE chubby, incorporates several improvements

by DiscountFliesJune 21, 2024 in Fly Tying Videos

The Chubby Chernobyl is one of today’s most popular flies. The newest iteration, the DOUBLE chubby, incorporates several improvements:

  • Two layers of foam. SemperFli makes this task easier by selling two-layer foam, which is also filled with high-floating nitrogen bubbles. The whole thrust of the DOUBLE is to increase floatability, whether that be through riffles or suspending a heavier dropper.
  • We also improve floatability by using a new dubbing call Chubb Dub, which is a blend of ice dub and superfine. In addition to floating better than ice dub, it is also easier to work with. These few tweaks will help make an already stellar fly even better.
  • Mixed wing. While seemingly a new trend, Mr Craven has been mixing colors of macrame yarn for years. As always, he’s steps ahead of the rest of us. This material can be found at a craft store and mixed in whatever combo best meets your needs. We like a darker wing for days that need high contrast.

Recipe for Double Chubby Chernobyl Fishing Fly

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