Quantity in Basket:
|Code: M-PQSPQ
|Shipping Weight: 0.20 ounces
Note: This product contains wildlife, which cannot be exported beyond the U.S. and its territories.
Quantity in Basket:
|Code: M-PQSPQ
|Shipping Weight: 0.20 ounces
Forget the days of using a pencil eraser to the strip quills...these are high quality, hand-stripped peacock quills. Perfect for bodies on everything from comparaduns to perdigons. Add a layer of UV Resin for all-day durability.
Each pack contains 25 quills.
Forget the days of using a pencil eraser to the strip quills...these are high quality, hand-stripped peacock quills. Perfect for bodies on everything from comparaduns to perdigons. Add a layer of UV Resin for all-day durability.
Each pack contains 25 quills.