Tying a Chernobyl Wog Fishing Fly
This might be the most exciting way to fly fish for salmon....
by DiscountFlies • August 05, 2024 in Fly Tying Videos
Polliwogs – also known as Wogs – are an exciting way to entice large, powerful salmon that are fresh from the ocean. While opinions vary around why these flies work, the important part is that they work. At times, very well. It is exciting fishing when it happens, so being prepared is critical. There are numerous styles of wogs, ranging from spun deer hair to cork. Here is a foam version that is simple to tie and can be tied in many color variations.
- Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3H 3x Strong, size 2. https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-GAMASL113HMD.html
- Thread: UTC 140, Fluoro Pink. https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-UTC140D.html
- Tail Flash: Hedron Flashabou, Pearl. https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-HFLBOU.html
- Body Top: Raven and Wolf 2mm Foam, Pink. https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-RW2MMF.html
- Body Sides: Raven and Wolf 2mm Foam, Pink. https://www.discountflies.com/product/M-RW2MMF.html
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