Trico Mayfly Nymphs & Emergers
DiscountFlies Trico Mayfly Nymphs and Emergers Are Tied on Gamakatsu, Tiemco or Daiichi Hooks, By The Worlds Finest Fly Tier's. Experience True Fly Shop Quality Flies On Your Next Fly Fishing Trip! |
Trico Mayflies (Tricorythodes) begin their hatch as early as June, with hatches extending through September. These minute (Size #18 - #24) mayflies often hatch late in the evening, or early in the morning, with spinner falls mid-day, offering all day action. Male spinners have black bodies, while females are shades of olive, black and brown. When trico's are present, they are generally abundant. Because of the sheer abundance of available food, rising trout will seldom move laterally to eat. Use 6x or smaller tippet. DiscountFlies Trico Nymphs Are Tied on Gamakatsu, Tiemco or Daiichi Hooks, By The Worlds Finest Fly Tier's. Experience True Fly Shop Quality Flies On Your Next Fly Fishing Trip! |