Quantity in Basket:
|Shipping Weight: 0.10 ounces
Note: This product contains wildlife, which cannot be exported beyond the U.S. and its territories.
Quantity in Basket:
|Shipping Weight: 0.10 ounces
Pine Squirrel zonkers are relatively new to the fly tying scene. These pine squirrels are soft tanned and supple. Although the underfur can be used as dubbing, our favorite use of the material is as a zonker strip on patterns like the Mini Leech or Slumpbuster. These strips are cut 1/16th in wide. A total of at least 24 inches in each pack.
Pine Squirrel zonkers are relatively new to the fly tying scene. These pine squirrels are soft tanned and supple. Although the underfur can be used as dubbing, our favorite use of the material is as a zonker strip on patterns like the Mini Leech or Slumpbuster. These strips are cut 1/16th in wide. A total of at least 24 inches in each pack.