The Avalon Permit fly is a shrimp imitation that sinks quickly, stays hook side up (helps eliminate snags), and makes clicking noises similar to a shrimp. Great for Cuban destinations because the Permit key in on shrimp rather than crabs. Don't limit this fly to Cuba, though. It has proven to be effective for permit nearly everywhere!
This fly is tied on a Gama SL-11 3H. The Gamakatsu SL-11 3H is one of the strongest and sharpest hooks available, and worth every penny when you hook-up with a fish of a lifetime!
Additionally, new production also includes a weed guard, which can easily be trimmed off if it is not necessary.
Beautiful ties, I’ll let you know how they work after Cuba trip....
Great service
( Verified Buyer )
Mario | August 22nd, 2014
Order a lot of saltwater flies, every fly is tied very nice and discountflies shop delivered them fast. I live in Holland and they arrived in two weeks. Great Job