The RS2 is an emerger, but is also very effective fished as a nymph. The inventor of the RS2, Rim Chung, since inventing this pattern, has never fished another fly, and is always the guy on the river catching all the fish!
Ron Garner (Colorado Springs,CO,US) | June 23rd, 2016
Very well tied by Discount tiers.
Still one of the most effective patterns available on the western slope of the Rockies, and I'm sure that it works just as well in other locations. Works EXTREMELY well in sizes 18-24 as BWO and even midge emergers and drowned adults. Larger sizes imitate different insects and different stages, but all catch fish.
Top Spring Fly
( Verified Buyer )
Brian | May 4th, 2013
The RS2 is a must have fly for the Spring. It is an excellent baetis imitation. Size #20 & #22 are the ticket.