1 Fly: $2.50 ea. 2 - 3 Flies: $1.88 ea. 4 - 6 Flies: $1.68 ea. 7 - 11 Flies: $1.60 ea. 12 + Flies: $1.55 ea.
Description There are over 600 mayfly nymph species, of which most are brown, and very similar in appearance to the Pheasant Tail Nymph. The Quasimodo Pheasant Tail Nymph is tied on a curved (scud) hook, which rotates while drifting downstream, which looks like a struggling nymph.The Quasimodo Pheasant Tail Nymph accurately matches the Hatch of the following Mayflies:BaetisDark Green DrakeFlav or Lesser Green DrakeGreen Drake - WesternGreen Drake - EasternGrey DrakeHendrickson Pale Morning DunPink Lady or Slate Brown NymphQuill GordonRed QuillSulphur DunWhite Winged Sulfur DunAdditionally, it works well as a Midge imitation!