Many of the tradictional craft furs are becoming more scarce. Quality also varies. Traditional furs like polar bear, seal, and arctic fox also have their challenges. SemperFli developed this line of Super Select craft fur in reponse to all of these headwinds. Super Select Craft Fur is suitable for the longest streamers. Extremely sleek, with long fibres reaching 4.3 inches, this craft fur can be used as winging and tialing for any predator fly in fresh and saltwater. The fiber length of Super Select Craft Fur is like real fur and varies to give a stunning profile to streamer and saltwater patterns.
Each patch measures 4.7 in x 4.7 in and is brushed and ready for use.
This craft fur stands out for the following reasons:
- Long length
- Soft
- High sheen
- Brushed out and ready to use
- Tapered fibres and underbody for streamer profiling
- 3.5 to 4.3" fibers