The Callibaetis Sprout is an emerger pattern, designed with a white foam wing case for excellent visibility. Apply floatant only to the hackle of the fly. The half submerged fly looks like a struggling callibaetis mayfly, attempting to hatch, and very vulnerable to trout!. This emerging dry fly closely resembles the natural mayfly emerger for tough to catch, selective trout. Use it when trout are gently sipping callibaetis from the surface of the lake.
I've tried the sprout tied in both the cream and black in various sizes and can honestly say that it has become one of my favorite "go to" lake patterns even when there is not a discernable rise. It floats beautifully and is easy to spot (even for my 60+ year old eyes!). Additionally, it catches trout even when it sinks below the surface film and is stripped. Try it, I think you'll like it.